Bongo Life




Choose the correct answer and write its letter in the spaces provide.

1.       She sometimes ________________ her father in Iringa.

          (a) visit                 (b) visits      (c) will visit (d) will visited                                  

2.       They ____________ all our  items.

          (a) have teken       (b) will taken        (c) have took         (d) have take

3.       The _______________ carried a lot of _______________

          (a) sheep – ship              (b) sheeps ---ships (c) ship – sheeps (d) ship – sheep      

4.       We were ____________ to behave well.

          (a) adviced            (b) advised            (c) advices   (d) advises           

5.       The letter to the DC ____________ in French.

          (a) was written      (b) had written      (c) were written    (d) will write                 

6.       _____________ are enjoying seating for National Examination.

          (a) you and I (b) I and you         (c) you and me                (d) me and you     

7.       Chaupepo _________ her left leg yesterday.

          (a) boroken (b) broke               (c) had broken                (d) breaked 

8.       It is _____________________ than a lion.

          (a) dangerous        (b) danger             (c) more dangerous(d) dangerer

9.       Did you see her _____________ towards them

          (a) vun                  (b) van                  (c) running            (d) running

10.     Our library used to be ____________ by madam Agnes.

          (a) taken care of     (b) cared of           (c) taken care        (d) caring   

11.     Ondiek thinks that Abdallah ____________ the answers.

          (a) know               (b) knowing          (c) knows             (d) he knows        

12.     The pupils in my class ___________ always attentive during English lessons.

          (a) is                     (b) was                 (c) are                   (d) they are 

13.     They have not ___________ to school for three days.

          (a)  been gone       (b) went                (c) been gone                  (d) been going      

14.     The time keeper _____________ the bell before time last week.

          (a) rung                 (b) rang                 (c) ring                           (d) was ring          

15.     The girls were offered sweets but they __________ not take them.

          (a) do                    (b) may                 (c) can                  (d) did                           

16.     Pupils _________ when lights went off.

          (a) were study       (b) was studying   (c) they were studying    (d) were studying

17.     Cats and rabbits _____________ good pets.

          (a) was                  (b) is           (c) they are  (d) are                                     


18.     The pupils ___________ their books at the moment.

          (a) are reading       (b) read                 (c) reading   (d) is reading                           

19.     Samantha ___________ the standard seven exams last year.

          (a) pass                 (b) passes    (c) passing  (d) passed                               

20.     My mother ____________ when I arrived at home

          (a) cooks     (b) was cooking     (c) were cooking   (d) has cooking              

21.     Fredrick is among the _____________ who did well in the exams.

          (a) pupils    (b) the pupils        (c) pupil      (d) a pupil                     

22.     We are repairing our roads ___________ to boost the economy

          (a) in order that     (b) because  (c) so as      (d) that                                              

23.     ________he fact that all participants in Mount Elgon worked hard they did not

 get the trophy.

(a) despite of         (b) inspite   (c) despite   (d) although of                                  

24.     Those who are fond ___________ food, will endanger their teeth.

          (a) of           (b) with                 (c) on          (d) at                                       

25.     ___________ you eat the balanced diet, you will get diseases.

          (a) although (b) because  (c) if            (d) unless                                

26.     Abdallah Haroub used to _____high jump competitions long time ago but now he

 is very fat and  he cant.  

(a) win        (b) won                 (c) have won         (d) wined                                

27.     He was sentenced to death. This means he was ____________

          (a) hung      (b) hunged   (c) hanged   (d) hang                         

28.     Your shirt was ___________ on the line with blue pegs.

          (a) hung      (b) hunged   (c) hang       (d) hanged                               

29.     The President has left ___________________ German today.  

          (a) to           (b) in           (c) for          (d) at                                       

30.     The president was _________Yesterday at the state house park after elections.

          (a) swear in (b) sweared in        (c) sworn    (d) sworn in                            

31.     The poor boy was stabbed to death. The underlined word means

          (a) killed with a knife      (b) trapped then killed     (c) disturbed then killed

          (d) sudden death                                                                               

32.     She used to be very rich but now lives in a very dilapidated house. The underlined word means

          (a) big         (b) very small        (c) very old (d) old and in bad condition               

33.     She was overcome with grief  when her husband died. The word grief means

          (a) great sadness   (b) crying    (c) silence    (d) dropping tears          

34.     Carry them with care they are very fragile.  This word means

          (a) very expensive(b) very valuable    (c) very busy (d) easily damaged                 

35.     The assignment was very tough this word means

          (a) good      (b) interesting       (c) difficult  (d) example                   


36. The girls _______ in the garden now

a) Is working         b) Are working      c) Were working   d) Work  e) Works

37. The poor man _______ two hundred thousand by the president

a) Give        b) Giving     c) Given      d) Was given         e) Gived     

38.       When I ______ him, he had already eaten his lunch

a) Was seeing        b) Seen        c) Have seen d) Saw        e) See                   

39.       There isn’t _______ sugar in the tin

a) No           b) Any         c) Some       d) Many      e) Much                

40.       My sister’s dress is different ______ mine

a) For          b) From       c) Of d) Off  e) By                  

41.       His uncle use to _______ a lot of cows

a) Have        b) Had         c) Has          d) Be e) Have had          

42.       That’s the girl ________ mother is a police woman

a) Whose     b) Who        c) Which     d) Whom     e) Hers       

43.       Rose is ________ girl in our class

a) Pretty      b) Prettier    c) The prettiest      d) More pretty e) The pretty     

44.       Please give me _______ water

 a) A            b) An           c) Much water       d) Many      e) Some      

45. May I come in? Please _________

a) Come       b) Do           c) I my        d) Yes come                                      

46.       Mrisho and Ngasa ________ decided to stop attending school

a) Were       b) Has         c) Will         d) Have       e) Are                  

47.       I shall __________ my national examination next year

a) Did          b) Do c) Done       d) Did                   e) Have do           

48.       Our young sister __________ her arm last year     

a) Will broke         b) Broked    c) Break      d) Broke      e) Breaking          

49.       No sooner ___________ the cyclist stopped the bicycle than it overturned

a) Had         b) Have       c) Has                   d) Did          e) Do                   

50.       Have you ever _______ such a game?

a) Played     b) Play         c) Plaid        d) Did play e) Will play         

51.       We shall ________ you right away

a) Seen        b) See          c) Saw         d) Seen        e) Sin                             

52.       The farmers _______ the new seeds and the harvest was bad

a) Resented b) Rejected c) Refused   d) Slammed e) Denied             

53.       You are accompanying me to my brother’s wedding ________                    

a) Won’t you? b) Do you? c) Are you? d) Aren’t you?

e) Will you?

54.       My mother bought some meat, sugar, salt and _______ bar of soap                        

a) An           b) Are                   c) A             d) Some       e) Few

55.       The car you are talking about is _________

a) Our                   b) Your       c) My          d) Ours        e) Their                

56.       Juma _________ the picture from the wall

a) Took       b) Take        c) Taken      d) Was taken         e) Taked               

57.       You are _____ hard this year

a) Study      b) Studies    c) Studied    d) Study studying e) Studying  

58.       Respectful married ladies _____ be at home before their husband’s arrival

a) Would     b) Will         c) Should     d) Shall        e) Shouldn’t                   

59.       Our class teacher told us to ______ homework or be punished                      

a) Make       b) Made       c) Do d) Does        e) Did

60.       A man came here looking ______ you                                                         

a) At            b) Of           c) In            d) On           e) For

61.       She _____ heavily while she was running

a) Breathes b) Breath     c) Breathe    d) Breathed e) Breathing                   

62.       Brazilian football team _____ won

a) Have        b) Has         c) Will         d) Shall        e) Is                     

63.       People with patients at the hospital normally _____ them there

a) Visit        b) Visited    c) Shall visit          d) Visiting   e) Had visited                

64.       I _______ him since 2010

a) Known    b) Have knew     c) Knows d) Has known     e) Have known     

65.       Our Headmaster _______ our visit to ngorongoro next term

a) Organize b) Organizes          c) Organized         d) Will organize e) Is organic   

66. Our teacher __________from Arusha to Kampala last month.

a) is driving      b) has driven         c) drive        d) had driven         e)drove

67. You have just ______________ my pen.

a) broke          b) break c) breaking d) been broken      e) broken

68. They __________________on their farms every evening.

a) Have been living    b) working            c) work        d) works      e) worked


69. I am going to school:-______

a) going to        b) going       c) went                  d) go to                 e) were

70. I am going to school:- __ a) aren’t I?   b) do I?        c) aren’t you?        d) amn’t I?

71. “I may came tomorrow” said Asha. The indirect speech of the above words are

a) Asha said she may come   b) Asha said that she might come the next day

c) she might come Asha said d) she might come the next day

72. My sister speaks ________Kiswahili and English fluently.

a) either b) not only            c) both         d) nor          e) neither

73. We ___________going to meet our friend at the aiport next month.

a) shall             b) had          c) will          d) whose      e) what

74. The boy __________book you are reading has come for it.

a) that        b) whose   c) whom      d) who         e) which

75. The _________girl in the group is my sister.

a) shorter   b) shortest   c) short       d) most shortest    e) more short

76. I was admitted to the Hospital ____________one week.

a) by                 b) many      c) for                    d) some       e) since

77. Please, give the child _____________milk immediately.

a) any              b) many       c) an            d) some       e) any some

78. Our mayor ___________our street for its cleanliness  a) is congratulated      

b) was congratulated c) congratulated    d) has just congratulated     e) congratulating

79. The fastest animals usually are_______

   a) meat eaters b) meat eaten        c) meat eater d) meat eating       e) eating eat

80. John and Hamisi are eating ugali:______

      a) don’t they?       b) are they?    c) aren’t they?    d) they are? e) have they

81. The girl was __________to walk to school.

    a) weak         b) as week   c) too weaker  d) so weak  e) too week

82.  They prefer tea __________coffee.

     a) than         b) like          c) to             d) in            e) with

83. ____________it had rained they would have planted maize.

      a) although     b) if         c) for  d) even then   e) unless

84. Coffee can be graded __________many grades.

a) with              b) buy                   c) in             d) at             e) into

85. _________of the bad weather, the students went to school.

a) in spite         b) despite    c) instead              d) if not       e) out

86. Is Tanzania a democratic government? The short answer of this question is:-

a) yes it it         b) yes isn’t c) no it is               d) yes it is    e) yes Tanzania is

87. He plays ________________football ______________handball.

a) either – or     b) neither – nor      c) neither – or d) either – and    e) but – also \

88. They have been in Dar __________several years.

a) by                          b) since                 c) for           d) a              e) in

89. Some animals are _________as human beings:-   a) as intelligent       

    b) such intelligent     c) so intelligent d) enough intelligent e) like intelligent

90. Our school library has ____________books.

a) a lot              b) tot           c) lots                    d) plenty of e) plenty

91. He planted maize ________millet and wheat.

a) besides         b) on  c) beside      d) over         e) under

92. She cut ____________with a knife.

a) himself         b) myself     c) herself d) yourself       e) themselves

93. My mother’s brother is my_________

a) niece            b) grandfather       c) aunt         d) sister       e) uncle

94. The pupils wondered whether the Head teacher would have time to see___

a) their             b) those       c) theirs       d) them

My father is a tailor, he makes_____a) dresses, short   b)shirts,dresses  and shorts              c) chairs, pots and cups d) shorts, shirts and mats    e)shirtearrings and chairs


96. Mrs. Barka ______________ her sick baby to the hospital two days ago.

 (a) took           (b) take         (c) has taken          (d) tooks

97. Rashid __________home when the rain began.

      (a) did     (b) was doing       (c) do          (d) done

98. Mrs. Magesa usually _____about twenty liters of milk daily from her cows

 (a) get              (b) gets                  (c) is getting                    (d) got

99. John __________his cow for three years

 (a) has not seen     (b) does not seen        (c) saw        (d) seeing

100.                    Hurry up! The acrobats ______soon.    (a) was performing         (b) perform   

      (c) Have performed         (d) are performing

101.                    She ________ to Tanga in 2000.

 (a) moves        (b) moved           (c) has moved           (d) will move

102.                    A new School ______ in our village next year

 (a) will build      (b) will build     (c) will be built      (d) was build

103.                    The girl ___________ in Dar-es-Salaam for three years

 (a) has been living     (b) have been living      (c) has been leaving   (d) have lived

104.                    The farmers ______________ preparing their farms for next season:-

  (a) is     (b) are         (c) have       (d) has

105.                     I was born _____________1990

  (a) since                   (b) by                    (c) in           (d) at

106.                    My father owns that house. It belongs to _________________

  (a) him        (b) his                 (c) their    (d) our

107.                    The dog is barking ___? (a) isn’t he    (b) isn’t she   (c) isn’t it  (d) isn’t they

108.                    ________Working hard in their farm they harvested very little crops

  (a) although    (b) despite      (c) inspite of               (d) though

109.                     I prefer athletics ________wrestling.   (a) than  (b) for      (c) of    (d) to

110.                     My friend laughed _________my joke.    (a) with (b) at (c) in      (d) on

111.                     Our farm will be divided _______flour parts.    (a) for  (b) into  (c) on

112.                     You must be ­­­­­____________when you drive in busy streets.

  (a) carefully    (b) care        (c) very careful       (d) very carefully

113.                     My father’s mother is my ______________

       (a) sister        (b) are        (c) grandfather       (d) grandmother

114.                    Mr. and Mrs. Makoronya have a ______________family.

  (a) happiest              (b) happy    (c) happier    (d) most happy

115.                    Peter looked for his goat but he couldn’t find ___________

  (a) it     (b) its          (c) her                   (d) him

116.                    “Please go to the market and buy _____potatoes for me” mother said.

       (a) much          (b) an          (c) some                (d) had gone

117.                    The policeman chased the thief __________ he could not catch him.

 (a) but             (b) and         (c) also                  (d) so

118.                    _____________simba, scored one goal, they won the match

 (a) although              (b) if                     (c) unless              (d) even

119.                     Many passengers injured ___________ in the accident

 (a) their selves (b) her selves    (c) ourselves    (d) themselves

120.                     I am ___________ tall___________ short. 

 (a) either/or     (b) neither/nor       (c) both/and        (d) not only/but also

121.                     He was not fast ______________________ win

  (a) so that       (b) in order            (c) enough to         (d) such

122.                     Tumaini is too ________________to touch the ceiling.

 (a) a shorter              (b) short                  (c) shortest           (d) the short

123.                     She is as beautiful ________________ her mother.

 (a) is      (b) like        (c) and                  (d) as

124.                     He knows the person _______________ took your pen.

  (a) who           (b) what                (c) whose              (d) whose

125.                    Baraka _______swimming.  (a) like      (b) is like     (c) likes    (d) liked

126.                    Mr. Kazi _______________________his house in 1947.

(a) builds                   (b) was built                    (c) is building                  (d) built             (e) has built

127.                    Juayote ________________ reading a book now.

(a) have            (b) is           (c) were                    (d) had      (e) was

128.                    Chanjagaa ____________ go to buy water melons yesterday.

(a) didn’t          (b) don’t      (c) do          (d) doesn’t             (e) does

129.                    They are going to town, _____________?

(a) are they?      (b) are they     (c) aren’t they?   (d) aren’t they      (e) weren’t they?

130.                    The whole class was excited because __________________ had passed the examination

(a) us                (b) him                  (c) they           (d) her      (e) them

131.                    This dog is healthy because it _______________good food.

(a) eat               (b) ate                   (c) eating        (d) eaten               (e) eats

132.                    Mrs. Luka said that the bus___________come back the following day.

(a) would                   (b) was        (c) had          (d) shall                (e) has

133.                    Omi and Mputa ____________while the teacher was teaching.

(a) laugh    (b) was laughing           (c) were laughing   (d) laughs    (e) have laughed

134.                    They _______________ to harvest crops next month.

(a) have gone    (b) will go             (c) is going            (d) has gone (e) are gone

135.                    I found Jane __________ bread at the bakery.

(a) boiling        (b) cooking            (c) roasting            (d) frying     (e) baking

136.                    ______________ house is this?

(a) whose         (b) whom     (c) who        (d) why        (e) where

137.                     Is there ____________orange juice left?

(a) a                 (b) few        (c) many      (d) any          (e) most

138.                    The teacher put all his books ______________the table.

(a) in                (b) on                             (c) at            (d) to           (e) of

139.                    Hey, Anne, what are you looking _________________?

(a) to                (b) in                     (c) for          (d) on          (e) into

140.                    This book is yours but the blue one is ____

 (a)  mine          (b) your                 (c) my         (d) me         (e) their

141.                    She was not familiar ____________her school.

(a) by               (b) with       (c) at            (d) in           (e) on

142.                    This is my mother’s house __________ she built it herself.

 (a) although     (b) who         (c) where     (d) because    (e) which

143.                     I have been teaching in this school _______________1970.

 (a) for     (b) since               (c) uncless             (d) about     (e) on

144.                    Peter and Paul are good friends. They always sit ______each other.

 (a) besides       (b) between (c) beside              (d) before    (e) behind




145.                    He neither cooked his food _____________ cleaned his room.

 (a) also            (b) only       (c) but                   (d) or           (e) nor

146.                    To __________ does this dictionary belong?

 (a) what           (b) that          (c) who               (d) whom     (e) whose

147.                     I have talked to my teachers ______________one hour.

 (a) since          (b) for          (c) by          (d) on                    (e) at

148.                    John’s behaviour is different ____________ his father.

 (a) from           (b) with       (c) than                 (d) as                      (e) to

149.                    ______Jitihada is always late for class; he is going to pass the examination.

 (a) in spite       (b) but                   (c) despite              (d) even                (e) although 

150.                    Masanja is _____________ than Mayala.

 (a) tall             (b) the tallest         (c) taller        (d) tallest              (e) most taller

151.                    You can ____________ read or write on the blackboard.

 (a) neither        (b) either     (c) and         (d) nor         (e) or

152.                    Dar-es-Salaam is___________far from Nairobi as it is from Singida.

 (a) to               (b) this                  (c) in           (d) as           (e) from

153.                     Jane was told to do the work by ____

 (a) ourselves    (b) himself   (c) herself    (c) her own      (e) themselves

154.                    Juma was so tired _____________he had to go for a rest.

 (a) that            (b) such       (c) for          (d) although (e) enough

155.                     Samson is not only intelligent ______________ obedient to his teacher.

  (a) but   (b) but also            (c) and also (d) and         (e) also

156.                    Your uncle’s wife is your ______________

(a) nephew       (b) aunt       (c) cousin      (d) niece    (e) mother

157.                    A building along the roadside where motorists pay to stay in and have meals is a ____________

(a) motel      (b) restaurant     (c) hotelier (d) canteen    (e) hotel

158.                     The opposite of the word “expensive” is _______________

(a) cheep          (b) sheep        (c) cheap            (d) chip        (e) ship

159.                     A person who mends shoes is a ________

(a) cobra           (b) barber    (c) cobber    (d) cobbler             (e) shoe shiner

160.                     A group of buffaloes or cattle is called _______

(a) a flock         (b) a horde   (c) a gang    (d) a hedge   (e) a herd

161.                    Another meaning for the word “purchase” is ________

(a) sell              (b) buy        (c) selling    (d) exchange  (e) export

162.                    King and I ______ in the field when the visitor arrived.

      (a) were work (b) work      (c) works     (d) were working

163.                    Yesterday Ashura had not ______ that snake. (a) killed    (b) kill                   (c) killen (d) killing

164.                    The teacher has ____ us many exercise book. (a) give      (b) given                               (c) gives      (d) went

165.                    A few days later, she _______ to her friend again.  (a) was go     (b)gone     (c) gives   (d) went

166.                    Our sister usually ____ early in the morning. (a) is playing      (b) played    (c) prays     (d) play

167.                    I always wanted to try _______ the questions.

 (a) answering      (b) answer      (c) answered       (d) to answering

168.                    A lot of sugar _________in Morogoro next year.

   (a) was produced       (b) produce      (c) will be produced               (d) produces

169.                    The farmers _______plant crops when the rains start.                                                              (a) will       (b) are     (c) have     (d) shall

170.                    Joseph will be ____ science for seven years.   (a) studying     (b) study                          (c) studied    (d) studies

171.                     The farmers from Congo _____ the frog.   (a) have seen      (b) study                     (c) studied     (d) studies

172.                     John ___________ Mary’s brother.   (a) be     (b) are    (c) is     (d) his

173.                     Write with neither a pen ___a pencil.     (a) or     (b) nor  (c) and     (d) with

174.                     Mariam ______food for the family now.    (a) is cooking    (b) cooks                         (c) cooks    (d) cooked

175.                     Have you ever _____ a fight between a cock and a duck.  (a) saw    (b) see     (c) seen    (d) seeing

176.                     If they ___ we would see their beautiful dresses. (a)  came    (b) come                          c) would come (d) will come

177.                      The poem ____________ you wrote is widely read.   (a) who     (b) which      (c) where    (d) whose

178.                      Rose is ____________beautiful in her class.  (a)  the most     (b) the more    (c) most    (d)  more

179.                     They will never perform well ____they study hard.  (a) if      (b) even                    (c) unless   (d) although

180.                     Anna’s shoes are different _______Jame’s shoes. (a) from    (b) with                       (c) for     (d) so

181.                     Our ___________pens were given to him by the head teacher.

     (a) teacher         (b) teacher’s          (c) teacherer          (d) teachers

182.                     You are going with me to my sisters wedding _______

       (a) you are?     (b) aren’t you?         (c) Want you?    (d) will you?

183.                      ________did we sleep early?   (a) why     (b) which     (c) what     (d) who

184.                     ______ his sickness, he did well in examinations. (a) inspite   (b) although     (c) despite    (d) neither

185.                     I am thirsty; I need ___glass of water.   (a) some      (c) any     (c) an   (d) a

186.                     The king congratulated the ___upon attaining his degree. (a) prince                           (b) priesthood  (c) princes  (d) her prince

187.                     To deceive is to _______(a)  cheat     (b) gather     (c) purpose    (d) forbid

188.                     The story was so interesting _____ I couldn’t stop reading. (a) then   (b) that   (c) for    (d) than

189.                     A leopard is _____a hyena.  (a) different from   (b) as dangerous                                 (c) similar to    (d) same

190.                     There is very ___milk left in the bottle  (a) much    (b) some (c) few(d) little

191.                     Can you lend me your knife please? _____ (a) certain   (b) certainly                                (c) certainty     (d) perhaps



Read the following passage carefully and then answer question 191 – 200. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

Pollution is the release of unwanted materials such as plastic bags, cans, untreated waste products, smoke etc. into the land, atmosphere, rivers and oceans. These disturb the natural process of the earth. These materials are known as pollutants. Very often, these pollutants are waste products from industrial, agricultural or domestics processes. The earth has natural processes which are very good at breaking down and recycling natural wastes. However, waste had become excessive in most environments and the natural recycling systems have become over loaded.

There are different kinds of pollution such as air, land and water pollution. The air we breathe can be dirty and dangerous because of the pollutants it may contain. This could lead to illness like cancer, asthma and reduced brain growth in children.

Power stations, factories, motor vehicles and fuel burning in homes are the main causes of air pollution which is carried by the wind and spread in our environment. We can stop pollution by doing the following; buy and use environmentally friendly products, never drop used materials/ containers

everywhere, join in a local project to clean up your neighbourhood, save energy and remember to turn off the radio, cooking fire, TV and lights when they are not being used.


192.                    Pollution is_____   a) removal of unwanted materials from the land       

b) treatment on materials known as pollutants   c) release of unwanted materials into the environment d) release of wanted materials into the atmosphere

193.                    Why is it important to breathe clean air____? a) because it is very important           b) because dirty air causes diseases               c) because you can save energy     

d) Because there are different kinds of pollution           e) Because waste has become excessive

194.                    Pollutants are__  a) waste products, smoke and cans b) water, energy and air   

c) environmental process       d) factories and power station  e) motor vehicles and fuel burning

195.                    Which is true about pollutions?____   a) factories, power stations, motor vehicles cause air pollution     

b) Rose flowers, food, trees cause air pollution      c) houses and streets lead to cancer and asthma

d) schools, hospitals, churches are the main causes of air pollution 

e) children, women, and school boys do not cause environmental pollution

196.                    The write of this passage is a person who deals with_________

a) HIV/AIDS campaigns        b) environmental pollution      c) environmental products  

d) unwanted materials         e) environmental conservation

197.                    When the air is polluted it can lead to_____  a) improvement for natural processes of the earth      

b) illness like cancer, asthma and reduction of brain growth  in children   

c) destruction of power stations and factories in towns  

d) systematics environmental processes on the earth    

 e) accumulation of desirable substance in the air

198.                    How is polluted air carried and spread from one place to another?____

a) by water       b) by people c) by wind     d) by motor vehicle      e) by containers

199.                    Environmental friendly products are products which_____

a) cause air pollution b) cause cancer and asthma         c) prevent air pollution

d) are very expensive  e) save energy

200.                    What can we do to stop air pollution? _______

a) cut down trees        b) stop breathing dirty air    c) buy and use environmental pollutants

d) go to hospital when we get sick   e) avoid dropping used material and containers everywhere











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